NFS-Planet Italia

Aggiornamenti 13 Luglio 2006

Pubblicato da GameSpot:

Another returning feature with a fresh twist is customization. This time out Carbon is poised to offer all the expected features seen in previous games, although the ability to tune your cars isn't quite as deep as that offered in Need for Speed Underground 2, there's a crazy new aspect to it. The big twist this year is "auto sculpting" a Fight Night-esque method of morphing the elements of your car in reality via sliders and the controller's analog sticks. Your wingmen's out-of-race abilities play a part here as if you have some that possesses the fabricator and mechanic abilities you'll be able to do more to your cars.

Tradatto alla meglio da noi:

Come sempre la feature principale nel gioco e' il personalizzare. Come nei precedenti Need for Speed, in Carbon si potranno personalizzare le macchine, non quanto in Need for Speed Underground 2. Nonostante ciò una qualità unica nel suo genere di Carbon consisite nella possibilita' di "modellare" i pezzi. In pratica con l'ausilio di "sliders" e joypad si potranno modificare i pezzi stessi.